Home -> Otopeni Flights -> April 2020 -> Days -> 23 April [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

[Apr 2020] [All the period]

[Arrivals] [Departures] [All flights]

Day of: 23 April

Only departures.

Departures day of 23 April:

  1. Tomp Airlines ZT5920 London (STN) departure 14:55 (+259)
  2. Ryanair FR942 Bucharest (OTP) departure 15:30 (missing after 11h)
  3. Ryanair FR943 Bucharest (OTP) departure 16:45 (missing after 12h)
Total of 3 departures of which 1 (33%) flown and 2 (66%) disappeared.

Airline: Ryanair:

  1. FR942 Bucharest (OTP) departure 15:30 (missing after 11h)
  2. FR943 Bucharest (OTP) departure 16:45 (missing after 12h)

Airline: Tomp Airlines:

  1. ZT5920 London (STN) departure 14:55 (+259)

See also: