Home -> Otopeni Flights -> All the period -> Airports -> Arbil [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

[Mar 2022] [All the period]

[Arrivals] [Departures] [All flights]

Airport: Arbil

EBL - Erbil International Airport

Flights airport Arbil:

  1. 28 May Blue Air 0B9951 departure 09:00 (-6)
  2. 28 May Blue Air 0B9950 arrival 16:00 (+43)
  3. 3 Sep Kuban Airlines GW642 arrival 10:50 (+107)
  4. 9 Sep Unknown airline, airplane TC-STA arrival 19:05 (missing after 15h)
  5. 5 Mar Hex'Air UD438 departure 19:00 (+79)
Total of 5 flights of which 4 (80%) flown and 1 (20%) disappeared in 715 days, 0.01 flights/day. Average delay on arrival (+75) minutes, departure (+36) minutes.

See also: