Home -> Otopeni Flights -> September 2021 -> Airports -> Katowice [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

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Airport: Katowice

Only the month of September 2021.
Only arrivals.
KTW - Katowice International Airport

Arrivals airport Katowice:

  1. 8 Sep Royal Sky RYS5351 arrival 14:45 (-1)
  2. 17 Sep Wizz Air W6801 arrival 18:25 (cancelled)
  3. 18 Sep Wizz Air W6801 arrival 12:50 (cancelled)
  4. 19 Sep Wizz Air W6803 arrival 11:20 (missing after 07h)
Total of 4 arrivals of which 1 (25%) flown, 2 (50%) cancelled and 1 (25%) disappeared in 30 days, 0.13 flights/day.

See also: