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Airline: Animawings
Only the month of January 2021.
Only departures.
AWG - Anima Wings
Departures airline Animawings:
- 4 Jan AWG4001 Hurghada (HRG) departure 06:00 (+4)
- 22 Jan AWG1001 Satu Mare (SUJ) departure 10:00 (+36)
- 29 Jan AWG4001 Hurghada (HRG) departure 01:00 (+46)
- 29 Jan AWG8100 Cluj-Napoca (CLJ) departure 19:40
- 29 Jan AWG8001 Zanzibar (ZNZ) departure 23:15 (+27)
- 30 Jan AWG8100 Cluj-Napoca (CLJ) departure 13:30 (+48)
Total of 6 departures of which 5 (83%) flown in 31 days, 0.19 flights/day. Average delay on departure (+32) minutes.
See also: