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[All flights]
Country: Israel
Only the month of February 2021.
Only departures.
Departures country Israel:
- 1 Feb Tarom RO155 Tel Aviv (TLV) departure 07:45 (cancelled)
- 17 Feb Arkia Israel Airlines IZ352 Tel Aviv (TLV) departure 14:25 (missing after 13h)
- 21 Feb Israir 6H704 Tel Aviv (TLV) departure 22:50 (+42)
- 23 Feb Arkia Israel Airlines IZ296 Tel Aviv (TLV) departure 23:00 (-87)
Total of 4 departures of which 2 (50%) flown, 1 (25%) cancelled and 1 (25%) disappeared in 28 days, 0.14 flights/day. Average delay on departure (-23) minutes.