Home -> Otopeni Flights -> July 2021 -> Airlines -> Blue Air -> Stockholm [ Romana] [ English] [ Italiano]

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Airline: Blue Air; airport: Stockholm

Only the month of July 2021.
Only departures.

Departures airline Blue Air:

  1. 3 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+31)
  2. 6 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+28)
  3. 10 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+16)
  4. 13 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+37)
  5. 17 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+111)
  6. 20 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+20)
  7. 24 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+46)
  8. 27 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+22)
  9. 31 Jul 0B147 departure 19:00 (+65)
Total of 9 departures of which 9 (100%) flown in 31 days, 0.29 flights/day. Average delay on departure (+41) minutes.

See also: